Search Results for: frugal friday

Designate Separate Accounts for Different Financial Goals (Frugal Friday)

Designate Separate Accounts for Different Financial Goals (Frugal Friday)

Last night was date night. Hubs and I hopped in the car with no destination in mind. It’s been hot and humid for a week, so we headed toward the ocean, hoping that things had cooled off — and that we’d find something good to eat. I even left my jacket at home. I never…

Unappreciated Gifts? (Frugal Friday)

Unappreciated Gifts? (Frugal Friday)

How do we as parents handle unappreciated gifts? I think that my parents and my sisters will recall the Christmas of Disappointment. It’s also referred to as the-Christmas-when-my-sister-wanted-a-Cabbage-Patch-doll-but-my-brother-who-couldn’t-care-less-got-one-instead-and-my-sister-bawled-her-eyes-out. Yes, that. My guess is that if you’ve lived in the US for any number of years, you’ve probably encountered, parented, or even been the child who…

Frugal Friday: Golden Rules of Frugality

Frugal Friday: Golden Rules of Frugality

OK, I wouldn’t call these rules, necessarily. They’re more like guidelines.

But, they are important guidelines, nonetheless. It helps me to remember these when I’m paying the bills and the numbers don’t go in quite the direction I wish they would. It helps me to remember them when I see some cool kitchen gadget that I don’t really need, but it would be really cool to have. It helps me to remember them when I don’t feel like we’ve saved enough money each month.