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Weekly Ramble 5/4/24

Weekly Ramble 5/4/24

This felt like another vacation week. Not only was the weather absolutely beautiful, but the girls and I had a mini Disney vacation! Life as Mom readers were a part of our very first Disneyland foray with kids. Bryan and I grew up going to DL, me more than he, but tackling it with kids…

Weekly Ramble 4/27/24

Weekly Ramble 4/27/24

Aloha! How are you?! We are back! Rested and refreshed after our first week away from the kids ever. I suppose there are plenty of couples who travel sans enfants, but that’s never been our vibe. We love traveling with our kids. And honestly, money for travel is hard earned, so we like to spend…

Weekly Ramble 4/20/24

Weekly Ramble 4/20/24

I’m going to be 52 next month. Wild. How did I get here? One of the things I’ve been thinking about for the last year or two is this: enough is good. So often we hear, “good enough”, implying that the thing is kinda lacking in some way. Last year I started putting that concept…

Weekly Ramble 4/13/24

Weekly Ramble 4/13/24

Hello! Did I just say yesterday that I was okay with the alternating sunny and rainy days. After two days of “June gloom” in April, I’m over it. More than ready for sunshine and summer temps. In the meantime, this week was pretty chill. I’m finishing up my Pinterest training, which feels like a major…