Weekly Ramble 4/13/24
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Hello! Did I just say yesterday that I was okay with the alternating sunny and rainy days. After two days of “June gloom” in April, I’m over it. More than ready for sunshine and summer temps.

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In the meantime, this week was pretty chill. I’m finishing up my Pinterest training, which feels like a major accomplishment. The homework has been at least an hour a day, often more, so I’m glad for it to be wrapping up soon.
I’ve made good progress on my two Pinterest accounts (here and here) and feel good about how to share the things I’ve written there.
Other accomplishments of the week include:
- brunch out with my baby – she’s experiencing a little bit of an empty nest along with me as the older siblings go on to do other things on their own
- lots of Marco Polo’ing with my friends. I will share more soon, but it’s been really remarkable how God has reconnected me with old friends from different seasons of life, all moms, all believers, and they are such an encouragement to me! We use Marco Polo to basically “facetime message” each other since we’ve all got such busy schedules.
- the Amazon return of the century – Bryan and I are getting ready for our trip to Hawaii and have been ordering things here and there to make the trip more comfortable. Many purchases were fails, like this ginormous GINORMOUS beach bag. Seriously, those “rope” straps are big enough to dock a boat. Thankfully, there is an Amazon locker for returns locally and it is super easy to do. We FILLED the trunk of the Miata (it is a small trunk) and headed over there on date night. Thankfully, there’s a Pizza Port just down the road, so that was a nice way to top off the evening.
- our girl is back! FishChick17 returned safe and healthy from her week in Guatemala.
Say, did you happen to get an email from Amazon about a new book of mine? It was a surprise to me as much as it was to you!
As it turns out, my publisher repackaged my freezer cookbook into a smaller volume (fewer chapters and recipes) with a new name and cover. I was not involved in the process of condensing it; I don’t even have a copy of it myself!
However, I excel at digital research. Ahem. Based on the sample on Amazon and a comparison with the previous versions, I can tell that the layout is good and very user-friendly. However…
If you already own either of these cookbooks, you don’t need to buy the new one.
I am a big believer in transparency and do not want you to buy something you already own.
Did you already pre-order (it is a good price for a printed cookbook), you are free to cancel your Amazon order or maybe give the book to a friend who’s just beginning his or her freezer meal journey.
As always, thanks so much for your support in reading my websites, buying my products, or purchasing a cookbook. I appreciate you!
Not much else is going on around here. It’s been gloomy and cold for two days. {whine, whine} We’ll live, of course, but let’s bring on the summer!
What’s new with you?