Family Fun

A Whale of A Cake

A Whale of A Cake

FishBoy7 has a newfound interest in fish. I suppose it could be considered a natural interest, considering our last name. But, ever since the research that went into this post, he’s been reading, and drawing and talking about fish. He has learned a ton about the undersea world in his independent reading. And he requested…

Theme Parks on the Cheap

Theme Parks on the Cheap

This past week our family ventured into the world of theme parks. While our oldest is almost twelve years old, we had been waiting for the “right” time. In different seasons “the right time” has been defined as when we lived close to one we wanted to visit. when the kids were old enough to…

Grammas and Good Eats

Grammas and Good Eats

My grandmother, referred to most as “Gramma John,” raised eight children during the 40s and 50s, all the while running a farm and managing a household. One of her “claims to fame” was her baking. She loved to bake and always had some new recipe to try. Since she lived in Minnesota and we lived…