Weekly Ramble 7/6/24

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I had a very full kitchen today, basically trying to prep all the weekend meals in advance so that no one has to cook tomorrow. This is my third week doing this and it definitely makes for a full Saturday!

weekly ramble July 6 written on yellow banner with blue writing.

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We binged a few episodes of Sherlock which kept it entertaining. The girls never really saw those shows when we watched them as they were unrolling. Can you believe it started in 2010? It’s still a really excellent series.

My feet are tired, and I’m more than ready for Sabbath, so this Weekly Ramble will be shorter than I had planned it to be. I was hoping to share all the things that I’ve been learning about myself via my planner.

As I mentioned in this week’s newsletter, the Print & Go Planner is now 10 years old! That went by fast. I spent some time deep diving into my planner and reviewing things that I had written back at the end of 2023.

I just don’t have it in me to write about that tonight. Instead I’m looking forward to some of the yummy things I made. Wanna hear?

  • We had a rotisserie chicken in the fridge that needed using so I made my Cranberry Chicken Salad. I’m serving that tonight for Snacky Saturday, along with crackers, cheese, nuts, olives, pickles, fruit, and veg.
  • I experimented with my Lemon Loaf recipe and used cottage cheese instead of the yogurt. The loaves are flatter than I expected, so I’m guessing this brand of cottage cheese may not have enough acid.
  • I had baby potatoes that needed using as well as baby spinach, so I cooked up both along with onion and turkey breakfast sausage. (The Jennie-O brand breakfast sausage is on point!) That’s all assembled in a 9×13-inch pan, and I’ll add eggs blended with cottage cheese to make an egg bake for breakfast tomorrow. I’ll serve that with fruit and the lemon loaf.
  • You know how Costco sells raw, cubed chicken in 4-pound bags? I dumped one bag into a large plastic food container and seasoned it heavily. It will thaw overnight and then I’ll transfer it to the crockpot for pulled chicken.
  • I baked a batch of my Homemade Hamburger Buns, flavored with garlic and rosemary and some sourdough starter. We’ll have the pulled chicken with those along with my Creamy Coleslaw.
  • I made three salads for tomorrow night’s Salad Sunday: Deli Potato Salad, Grilled Vegetable Couscous, and Italian Salad. Chicken was on sale/clearance at Ralphs so Bryan will grill that for our protein.

So that’s it for me. I’m gonna enjoy a glass of wine and Snacky Saturday. Have a great weekend!

How was your week?

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  1. I didn’t know that Costco sells cubed chicken in 4 lb bags! I’ll look for that next time. I usually send hubby to get a rotisserie chicken there when we go to eat first as a meal and then use the leftovers for something else. It’s near his work, so he usually does the Costco runs.

    We’ve been having our kitchen updated and flooring throughout the main areas of our house. Our kitchen is almost finished – finished enough to be able to start cooking again. I’m so excited.

  2. I pinned a few of your recipes to make later this month. Thanks for sharing! Taking Sunday off for rest and Sabbath is something I’ve been thinking more and more about for a couple years. I’ve taken steps to make Sundays *more* restful – doing my weekly planning and chores on Saturday but it does take even more prep and planning than I’m currently doing to have Sunday 100% free for rest & renewal. I’m a work in progress….and will keep working towards that.

    1. I am going to consider the day of rest as well. I generally find myself trying to cram all of my errands into Sunday and then I start my week worn out and, frankly, crabby and not fun to live with! I am loving the tips from Jessica and others over the years!

    2. We are ALL works in progress. Bryan brought up the idea a few months ago, and it’s definitely taken a lot of planning and practice to get to this point. Still have a ways to go to get it easier but still festive.

  3. I did not know Costco sells raw cubed chicken in 4 pound bags!!! I live in a Houston suburb and will have to check my local one next time I’m there. Thanks for sharing that information, Jessica. Also, regarding the cottage cheese in your lemon loaf – did you blend it before adding? Wondering if the physics of the curds being coated by flour would have weighed it down.

    1. The chicken is in the freezer section.

      Re: cottage cheese, that may be part of it. I was feeling lazy so I didn’t blend it. Some of the curds are visible so… hmmm. Thanks for brainstorming with me!