Saving My Grandchildren from Choking Hazards (& a Review of Our New Oreck)
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A little over thirteen years ago, we were living in an itty-bitty studio. Itty-bitty = one room, 200 square feet. Me, hubs, and our baby. Yes, itty-bitty.
Our landlords, if we could call them that, were like family to us and they lived less than ten feet away. Theirs was the Big House. Ours was the pool house.
It was a lovely set-up. Karen and Dan had the dogs, the pool, the big kids, the TV, and the washing machine. We had the baby — and perhaps a pot of something yummy cooking on the stove. And we shared.
We got to play with the dogs, swim in the pool, hang out with their teenagers (and mooch some free babysitting), watch their TV, and wash our clothes without having to go to the laundromat. They got to hold a baby. And maybe share a bowl of chili. It’s clear who had the better half of the bargain.
He was a really cute baby, after all.
They also very graciously shared their vacuum. About once a month week, I’d borrow their vacuum cleaner. I mean, c’mon, 200 square feet? It really didn’t make sense to buy a vacuum, right? No, not at all.
Until the baby was mobile…. and choked on some weird hairball or piece of lint.
I told hubs about it later that day. “That’s it. We’re getting an Oreck,” he declared.
Never one to mess around with the safety of his children, FishPapa picked up the phone — this was long before DSL was ever invented — and ordered the Oreck vacuum cleaner we had heard so much about on the radio. Yes, we listened to the radio back then and ordered things over the phone. Imagine that!
That Oreck, all 7 pounds of it, has traveled halfway across country, vacuuming six homes, and saving six babies from a myriad of choking hazards. My children have schlepped it upstairs and down to tackle their chores. It’s sucked up Legos and Cheerios, dirt and grime, sand and pencil shavings — and all manner of small chokable parts.
After thirteen years, one motor replacement, two roller transplants, and multiple cord repairs, our faithful servant is showing his age. He doesn’t suck things up as well as he used to. He makes a loud groan/shriek when turned on. The toggle switch only works on high. The cord has seen better days.
And while we no longer have any babies to choke on weird hairballs or lint, we’d still like to keep the floors clean.
Last week, our Oreck XL, circa 1998, was replaced. Oreck sent us their newest model, the Forever Series Gold. Here’s what they have to say about it:
The Oreck Forever Series™ Gold gives you amazing power, lightweight maneuverability, and the reliability you expect from an Oreck. The two-speed motor gives you the ultimate flexibility to clean everything from carpet to Oriental and Persian rugs; and HEPA inner bag and a two-speed motor power through dirt and gently clean expensive rugs. Now with a new Limited Lifetime Warranty**, you’ll get peace of mind that will last a lifetime.
All the kids were pretty excited when this baby was unwrapped. FishBoy9 and FishPapa did the unpacking and assembly. I believe FishBoy’s words were, “I can’t wait to vacuum.”
Did you hear that? I can’t wait to vacuum. Be still my heart.
FishChick4 loved running it through its paces.
I was amazed at how quiet this vacuum is. Amazingly quiet. And the suction is fantastic. I feel like the floors are really getting clean. This machine is still 7-pounds like our old Oreck, so kids can continue to schlep it up and down the stairs to their hearts content. But, the quality is a huge improvement as is the performance.
I’ve used it on the tile, on carpets, and on throw rugs. Depending on the thickness of your flooring, it seems to have a slight self-propulsion thing because I barely had to push it across the rug. Be careful, though, it is powerful. Just like our previous machine, it can suck up the cord.
The HEPA bag helps keep your air cleaner. And the handheld vacuum that accompanies it is great for tackling the stairs, car, or other hard to reach places. I even had a child volunteer to clean the garage so he could use the handheld!
The folks at Oreck were pretty amazed that our old machine was still alive and kicking. Apparently 13 years is a good run on a vacuum. Considering the size of our family and the frequency of use, I think it’s paid its dues.
You can see a video of how fast I can clean the living room here.
The new machine, the Forever Series Gold, with its limited lifetime guarantee, is meant to last me for the rest of my life, so I can save my grandbabies from all kinds of choking hazards!
Win an Oreck Forever Series Gold
This week one LifeasMOM reader will win an Oreck Forever Series Gold vacuum cleaner.
To enter:
Visit the Oreck site and check out the features on this new machine. Come back here and leave a comment, telling us some feature that you really like about the vacuum.
For extra entries,
- subscribe to LifeasMOM via email or in a reader and leave a second comment, telling me you did so.
- “like” Oreck and LifeasMOM on facebook and leave a second comment, telling me you did so.
This giveaway will be open until Sunday, September 18, 2011 at 8 pm PST. Winner will be chosen at random and notified via email.
This giveaway is now closed. Congrats to the winner: sswiderski71@
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The Hepa Inner Bag sounds like the feature for me since everyone in my family fights allergies!
I also liked Oreck on facebook, I already liked you! And I already subscribed to Life as Mom.
My daughter & husband both suffer from terrible allergies. I love the hepa filter this model has, I really think it could make a huge difference!
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Lightweight, lightweight, and lightweight! WE have a tall skinny townhouse and I hate lugging my enormous cheap vacuum up and down. So I don’t very often, and let’s be honest, it’s not working out very well!
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Thanks for this offer.
Liked Orek on FB and have been a “liker” of Life as a Mom for a while now.
We have 2 golden retrievers and vacuuming is a constant challenge. I love the light-weight feature and quiet operation and ability to clean all types of surfaces. The handheld vac looks awesome as well! Oh, I would love to own these!
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Lightweightiness for sure! I have a CR “best buy” from years ago that is so heavy I can barely push it around. I need something that my kids would love to use!
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My kids have are allergic to dust mites & we have a dog that sheds lots of hair, so I like the HEPA bag because it captures at least 99.97% of particles at .3 microns from the air!
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I like that it is a light weight. Some of them weigh a ton!
I follow both you & Oreck on FB; Carrie Phelps
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I love that it only weigh about nine pounds, nothing worse than dragging a heavy vacuum around the house!
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The HEPA filter!
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I love that it is lightweight and the limited lifetime warranty is pretty awesome!! 🙂
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I like that this vacuum is quiet and light weight. Our current vacuum is as noisy as most, and HEAVY!
I like the edge brushes that reach all the way to the baseboards. I always feel this area is not clean unless I do it on my hands & knees with the hose.
I am digging the “One-pass cleaning” feature! I have an 8 months old that can get crumbs on the carpet and the hard floors.
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I like that it is so lightweight and quiet.
Lightweight! A good vacuum that doesn’t weigh a ton sounds wonderful.
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#3: Like Oreck. Thanks so much!!!
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Thank you again!
While I’d love to have a vac w/ the suction power of these babies, I *reallly* would love a 7 lb’er. Years ago, my husband went to buy a new vac, and came home with the biggest & best he could find. This thing is a monstrosity! I swear it weighs 20lbs! (That’s how it feels, anyway). Aside from that, it doesn’t suction well anymore. Having a new bebe on the way (yay!), this would be an enormous blessing.. so thank you for the opportunity to win one!!!
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I love the “annual checkups” and that it only weighs 9 pounds!
i like the fact that it has 3 annual checkups.. gotta keep it running great.. this would be great for my five children household.. the floor can look pretty
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The long cord and attachments sound great! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I “Like” your page and the Oreck page on Facebook.
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My favorite part about the Oreck is the warranty! I can really be brutal on a vacuume!
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The Oreck is lightweight and would be a welcomed blessing to my arthritic back.
I already like Lifeasmom on facebook but I liked Oreck as well.
Love that it’s so lightweight but powerful. I have an Oreck that is about 10 years old, looks the same as your old one in the picture. I have loved it as well.
I love to vacuum! So wonderful to do a chore, clean a mess and not really have to think about it. Having a light weight vacuum would really make me feel like I was hardly working!
Facebook liked both!:)
I lile the hepa filter for my families allergies and how lightweight it is. Maybe I can get the kids to start taking over this chore!:)
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I love the Hepa filter.
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Love that it’s light weight!
Just “liked” Life As Mom and Oreck on FB! Thanks for the opportunity!
Oh, and I already subscribe to Life As Mom via email. Love your posts!
I love that it has a lifetime warranty! I also love that cool little edge brush and the Hepa filter bags with the seal. Awesome!
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I’m your newest email subscriber….was introduced to your website through moneysavingmom yesterday and have really enjoyed browsing through your posts! 🙂 creedamy [at] yahoo[dot] com
I LOVE that it’s lightweight and can be used on carpets and flooring and that it has a HEPA bag that gets so much junk out of your house! creedamy [at] yahoo [dot]com
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I really like that the cord is longer. It means I won’t have to stop so often to switch outlets.
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I’m sold on lightweight! My current Hoover is great but so so so heavy to carry up and down stairs.
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I love that it is lightweight but still powerful. With two kids and a St. Bernard we are constantly vacuuming – upstairs, downstairs and all around. 🙂
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I love a lightweight vacuum
Oooooohhhhh….I would be SO excited if I won this! We need a new vacuum really bad!!! Love that it’s lightweight. It takes some muscle to use my current vacuum.
Lifetime Guarantee for me. I’d love to win this for my mom. She’s 70 years old and a light weight vacuum would be great for her to use. Thanks for the giveaway!
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I love that it is lightweight and powerful. Perfect for dealing with with pets and a small kid 🙂
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I would love to win a powerful yet lightweight vacuum! I hate lugging mine upstairs so I avoid vacuuming the second floor. Also, it was supposed to be designed to pick up dog hair, but after a few years it’s just not working as well as it used to. It’s time for another, but I don’t want another junky one. This vacuum sounds perfect though!
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My favorite feature is the light weight. What a great giveaway!
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I love the edge cleaner! That’s my biggest pet peeve!
I think my favorite feature is lightweight, so I can put my preschoolers to work 🙂
I like the fact that it is so lightweight!
I like Life as MOM and Oreck on Facebook.
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I LOVE the attachments! Particularly the lightweight handheld vacuum! That would be so great around my house!
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I like the HEPA inner bag feature….
a lightweight vacuum sounds wonderful after dragging around my canister vacuum! thanks for the chance to win!
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We have been looking at new vacuums- this one looks like a great choice! I especially love the fact that it is light weight. I hate lugging around a heavy beast. 🙂
I love the HEPA inner bag
Email subscriber
I like that it has a HEPA inner bag.
I love that it is light-weight.
I love the light-weight feature…. The HEPA filter and all the cool attachments… And a quieter vacuum would be a dream! Thanks for offering this giveaway, Oreck!!! Paula Romer
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Lightweight and easy to use. A definite must when making my children do the vacuuming 🙂
I love the hepa filter for my allergy prone family and the lifetime warrenty is fabulous. We firmly believe in using stuff until it dies so the thought of not having to buy another vacuum again…love it!!
I like that it’s light! Because I, too, have children that I would LOVE to see able to do the vacuuming all by themselves. 😉
liked you a long time ago, liked oreck today.
maybe this vacuum will get the boys to help vacuum more????
hepa filter and 3 tuneups!
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I like the lifetime warranty! We’ve been through several vacuums in our 18 years of marriage and now have six children so we vacuum A LOT!
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I liked Oreck and LifeAsMom on Facebook
Cool giveaway! I like that it’s quiet and easy to use… sounds like it will work really well, too.!
My Mom would love this! I love the fact that the vacuum is so quiet! The one we have is so loud, the dogs go crazy when it turns on! 🙂
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I love the fact that it’s quiet and has a lifetime warranty!
“like” Oreck and LifeasMOM on facebook (:
moniquebbon at gmail dot com
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Some features I really like about this vacuum is that it is lightweight & easy to use (: , powers through dirt & *limited lifetime warranty
…and liked both of you on FB!
Long long long time subscriber… ; )
How did you (&Oreck) know we were looking at new vacuums?
I love how light-weight it is, and the quietness will certainly help us vacuum after the kiddos go to bed!
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I love how light it is, that would wonderful to use on my stairs.
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I like that it’s quiet
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I like that its light weight.
I like the fact that the Oreck is super lightweight and it has a light. I “liked” your FB page and the Oreck FB page. I already subscribe via Feedburner email.
Great giveaway!!!
As a grandmother, I subscribed to your daily emails to get ideas and keep up with what young mothers are doing. As a senior citizen and living on a fixed income, I would dearly love to win an Oreck. It is lightweight and ideal for someone like me who has arthritis. I like the long cord to avoid changing the outlets frequently and the fact that it will go from carpet to bare floors without stopping to change to an attachment.
And I also “liked” both Oreck and Life as MOM on Facebook.
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Well, a vacuum that simply functions sounds great to me. Our vacuum recently went the way of all flesh and we’ve been borrowing my mom’s, which also seems to be on death’s doorstep. So at this point I would be elated if we won this giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.
The fact that it is quiet!
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I also subscribe to your blog via email. I will be crossing my fingers for the Oreck giveaway!
A lightweight Oreck with the lifetime guarantee would be heavenly! My kids have a hard time hauling our old Kenmore up the stairs. I like the edge brushes for getting near the baseboards too.
Light weight! Our vacuum weighs probably 50 lbs and is so bulky, even though we live in a one story house now I loath taking it out. My Dad keeps telling us to buy an Oreck but $600 is not in the budget right now especially when our current vacuum is still running.
I can imagine that you are going to receive a whole lot of comments on this give away….a $599.99 vacuum, that is a great prize….wow…I don’t know if I would use it, or put it in a really big trophy case! Anyway, I love the fact that it has a partial lifetime warranty, I am finding that things just aren’t made to hold up these days.
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I love that it’s so lightweight! We need a new vacuum cleaner really badly.
i like that it is lightweight…i currently have the hoover wind tunnel and it is soooooo heavy.
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I like all the attachments!
such a dingbat…the attachments were for the little vac advertised at the bottom.
I like that you dont have to adjust going from carpet to bare floor
The accessories look really helpful.
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The HEPA filter for sure!
I love that it has a Hepa filter especially for the allergy kids at my house!
I would love a vacuum that I could easily lift to clean the stairs! Thanks!
Now, I’ve also gone to the Oreck page and used the “like” link on their FB site page. Thank you!
I also like your facebook as well as Oreck’s page.
I subscribed via e-mail for Life As Mom. Love the blog!
I like the weight of it (or lack there of) and the power! And the filter as well! I have their air purifier (two actually) and love it. They make great products.
What I like about the Oreck is that it is very lightweight for a vacuum cleaner. I injured my lower back a few years ago, tearing a disk, and one of the household activities that has been a challenge since then is vacuuming. Our current vacuum is good, but it is very heavy. I also like what you mentioned about the quiet run. My current one has a very loud, high pitched hum that just about drives me crazy when I vacuum and I cannot think about what effect that has on my hearing when it takes at least 20 minutes to vacuum the house. I think I need hearing protection because my vacuum seems almost as loud as a jet engine. 😉 I also like the handheld vac. I can’t believe it has a 20 ft. cord. That should cover a LOT of space without having to unplug and replug multiple times around the house. I also like the handle design. The description for getting in and out of tight spots is perfect for my current household space. Did you also say it vacuums Lego? Those things are everywhere in this house, even when they all seem to be happily put away in bins. Sometimes, I think they jump ship on their own. The HEPA filter would be wonderful. We sure have a lot of dust around here, and with 2 cats in the house, I need extra filtration for my old carpet. Thank you so much for offering this give-a-way!
I have to say that of all of its wonderful features, and it has A LOT of them, the fact that it’s so lightweight is still at the top of my list. I recently had to help a friend clean her rental house as she was moving out and this would have been a lifesaver when it came to lugging the vacuum up and down the stairs.
I love the accessory unit that can be used for stairs, furniture, and dusting!
We are currently in the market for a new vacuum, and this model is actually the frontrunner for us. I love the HEPA filtration, and the fact that it’s lightweight is a huge plus since my kids have recently started arguing over who gets to vacuum. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I liked oreck on FB–I have subscribed to Life as a mom– and I like that Oreck is light weight!
I “like” Oreck and LAM on facebook.
I like you and Oreck! 🙂
I desperately need a new vacuum, and a lightweight one would be a dream! 🙂
I like how compact and yet powerful it is. Also the lifetime warranty.
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I like *all* the features!! Probably the top ones for me, though is ease of use, it’s strong suction and the HEPA bag. When I use non-Oreck vacuum cleaners I get so frustrated and have to work so hard to move the machine around and the suction is terrible. Not so with an Oreck!
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Hepa! Lightweight! Sounds great!
I like that it’s lightweight so I can carry it down to the basement easily….my basement is being neglected..ha!
I love that it only weighs 7 pounds – I might actually vacuum my upstairs office more often!
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I’d love a lightweight vacuum to make easy work of cleaning our carpeted stairs!
I’m a subscriber. And LOVE your site. I’m sharing it with friends all the time.
I could really use the handheld that comes with it.
I like the light-weight design: it would be easier for my kids to use! The 35-foot power cord would be very nice…no more switching outlets just when I’m getting my “vacuuming groove on.” I also like the Hepa filter. Overall…I’d really like a new vacuum since our current one is slowly dying!
A lightweight vacuum sounds wonderful, and the HEPA filter would be great for my husband’s allergies.
I liked Oreck and Life as Mom on Facebook.
I love that it’s so lightweight! Thanks for the chance to win.
What’s not to love? I actually got excited over all the specialized accessories for the Ultimate Handheld Vac. But on the main vac, the biggest plus for me would have to be the weight.
Lightweight, quiet, reliable. What a great vacuum!
Any vacuum at this point that works would be wonderful! Really though, lightweight and one that really gets the junk (HEPA) filter would certainly be worth it!
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I love that it has a HEPA filter! We could really use that with kids with allergies, asthma, and one big hairy dog! Love the video! Makes me want to get cleaning!
I love the fact that it has a lifetime warranty
I liked Oreck on FB & already liked LifeasMOM on FB 🙂
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The handle is pretty cool, the HEPA inner bag would be nice & has a awesome warranty…what’s not to love about this vacuum? 🙂
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I love that I can lift this up to vacumn my stairs and not throw my back out! The vacumn we have now is so old and heavy and loud that this would be a godsend!
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I love that even my four year old can use it!
I really like the promise of a quiet vacuum and your confirmation of it.
Light weight sounds great to me. Thanks for the opportunity! My vacuum is on its last legs.
I am proud to say I follow Life as Mom!
I really like the fact that it has a HEPA inner bag. Two of my guys suffer so much from allergies and asthma.
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a lightweight vacuum that can vacuum up my dog’s hair? sounds great to me!
I really like the light weight. Cleaning is hard enough work, so why not help yourself out?!
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We’ve been through our share of vacuums, so the limited lifetime warranty peaks my interest. I also love that it is lightweight.
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My mom has an oreck and the sound is definitely nice compared to our crazy loud vacuum.
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I checked out Oreck’s website and wow… lightweight is key! Okay, so is suction 🙂
i “liked” oreck and lifeasmom on facebook. i love that it is SO light. i clean houses and i really like orecks. wish i had one! my vacuum just bit the dust.
I like that it is lightweight so I can easily carry it up and down the stairs .
I already subscribe to your blog through my e-mail, and now I also have “liked” your page on facebook. Thanks for all your encouragement and shared wisdom.
I love that the Oreck is light weight. My current vacuum is heavy and hard to push around. Also, I’m excited about the handheld portino. My current vacuum doesn’t have that and unwinding/unhooking/unwinding some more is not very motivating to use the attachments. We have a 2 year old, 1 year old, a baby due in Jan 2012 and one dog. I vacuum at least one room a day day 6 days a week. I need a lightweight, thorough vacuum to keep our home clean.
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I love the lightweight feature- my old vacuum is so heavy!
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I have to say the long cords would make me very happy. But the quiet part would be a nice bonus too.
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I love the lifetime warranty. We are hard on vacuumes around here.
“liked” life as mom and oreck .. and entered their $10,000 sweepstakes .. woo hoo !! 🙂
Already subscribed to Life as Mom 🙂 LOVE IT !!
I really like the fact that it is lightweight! I use my vaccuum to dust everything current model weighs a ton! Hope to win 🙂
Having a bad back, I love that it’s only 5 lbs!
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I love the fact it only weighs 9lbs. I’m tired of lugging my heavy vacuum up to the second level of our house.
I liked Oreck & Life as Mom on Facebook
I especially like that it powers thru dirt and it’s light weight.
Wow… what’s not to love? I love that it’s lightweight. My little girls love to help vacuum, but our current model is massive and very heavy — very challenging for little bodies!
I love that it is lightweight!
I ♥ Oreck! My husband and I bought our Oreck in 1991. Yep, it’s OLD, but it still runs (barely). This vacuum cleaner stands up to it’s name. It’s been through everything with us, even having twins. Last Christmas, I decided the Oreck was on it’s last leg. So, I retired it and bought a temporary Hoover vacuum while I try to save up for a new Oreck as they are not cheap vacuums. I like the HEPA filter since our last one I don’t believe had one. I vacuum every single day with the amount of indoor allergies my family has. The filter will be a very nice feature. I also miss not having a light on the vacuum. I like that it’s is engineered, designed, and assembled right here in the U.S.A., which means keeping jobs here! I’m sooooo hoping I can win this vacuum!
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I’ve never had a “good” vacumn….the Oreck offers powerful suction and that is a must in our house with little kids.
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I love that it works on different floor types and has the Hepa Inner Bag!
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Where to start? I currently don’t have a vacuum but I do have 3 kids and a cat. So, the title alone does it for me. Great for kids and pets! And, I’ve been dreaming about an Oreck lately.
I “liked” you both on Facebook! 🙂
Wow! What a great giveaway! I really like the hepa bag and I’m happy to hear it’s quiet. I hope I win! 🙂
Love how lightweight it is..and HEPA filter too!
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I love the heap bag. We have a bagless now and would like to go to a bagless. Looks like fun to use.
I like the suction power and HEPA filter! Sounds like it would definitely help keep the floors and the air cleaner.
I think the 7 pounds sounds amazing. I have a 17 year old Kirby that weighs a ton. I’m starting to feel my age when I lug it from room to room.
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I love all the different attachments that the vaccum has.
I’d love to win a lightweight vacuum. My vacuum is lod reliable but it is hea-vy.
It’s only 9 lbs! My shoulders! My back! Lightweight vacuum=me being able to vacuum longer.
I like the weight (or lack thereof) of the Oreck!
juliebrennan at yahoo(dot)com
If it is as quiet as you say, that is what I need. My little one is so sensitive to loud noises, she cries the entire time I vacuum, so I put it off too long each time as I hate to see her cry so. I so need the ability to be able to vacuum and not have my little one in tears each time I do it!
I’d love to win a vacuum, anything to make cleaning more fun. I like the feature about the HEPA filter. I have terrible allergies and anything that eases them is great.
I like Oreck and Life as Mom on Facebook.
I like how lightweight it is and that it still has suction power.
I think the lightweightness and the HEPA filter. Thanks!
Lifetime warranty and lightweight…love it!
Hepa filter is great for my allergies.
HEPA filter and warantee!
What a fun giveaway!!! thanks!
I like both LifeasMOM and Oreck on Facebook.
I like that it’s lightweight and easy to use.
I like you on Facebook and liked Oreck too!
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I would love to have a vacuum that doesn’t weigh a ton! I’m tired of back pain after vacuuming!
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i love that it is so lightweight! my vacuum is so heavy that I get down on my hands and knees everynight with a dustbuster to “vacuum”. i would rather do that then schlep the vacuum down from upstairs!!
a lightweight vaccum that works, would be great ! Mine stinks like dog hair :*( OHHHHHHHHH GOD would I love to win this!!!
Love a Oreck!! I’m already a subscriber and have liked both!!! Thanks for the opportunity!
I like Oreck and Life as Mom on FB via Jordyn Lessenberry (jordyn.lessenberry at gmail dot com).
I love that it’s light weight and that a young child can push it around. It would be great to win it since the price tag is beyond our budget.
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For our two dogs and allergy-prone family members, the HEPA filter sounds great. For me, the vacuum diva, the lightweight simplicity sounds wonderful.
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Huh, what DON’T I like about this vacuum? This looks truly awesome. But despite all the wonderful details about how it works, the feature I like best is the one that keeps it working: the three free annual “tune-ups.” Love that!
The lightweight feature is big–I hate going up and down so much that I keep a sub-mediocre stick-vac on each floor. The cord length sounds great, too.
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I subscribe via email! 🙂 A $600 vacuum is not allotted for in our snowballing debt plan. So, an awesome win like this would be beyond incredible! Thanks for the opportunity!
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I think there are a lot of great features, but as a person who suffers from allergies, the hepa inner bag sounds great!
I love everything about it and have wanted one of these for years…my electolux is 15 years old and on it’s last legs-lol! I love that it is so lightweight and also appreciate the hepa inner bag…
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My favorite feature is a tie between the HEPA filter and the fact that it only weighs 7 pounds. Although, because of my two-year-old’s horrible allergies, I’m gonna go with the HEPA filter as my top feature about this vacuum. I’d be thrilled to win this cleaning machine! 🙂
I subscribe via email – love my Life as Mom!
what’s not to love about a vacuum cleaner that actually WORKS and lasts for years? But, since you did specify mentioning one feature, since we have pets, the HEPA filter is a huge deal!
The Hepa Inner Bag sounds absolutely perfect for my family that suffers from allergies and lightweight……can’t beat that!
[email protected]
Melissa S.
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The HEPA bag would help with my husband’s allergies and the light weight would make me dread hauling it upstairs a lot less!
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I love that it is quiet. Noise bothers me and most vacuums are too loud.
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HEPA Inner Bag and the 35 ft cord.
Wow! So many features to love!
Just clicked “ike” on both the LAM page AND Oreck’s FB page.
Thank you for another entry for our family. 🙂
Thank you for another great giveaway. 🙂
We like that the Ultimate Handheld Vacuum has many attachments AND can go over the shoulder.
Love how light weight it is!! We have a 15yr old vaccuum that needs to retire and this would be a welcome fit for our home!!
Oh my! I have a hand-me-down from my mother that is 8 years old and I LOVE it! I was raised vacuuming with a Rainbow, which I feel is top notch. However, it is a pain to lug out when you just need to whip it out for a small job and throwing out the water pan is gross. So, a huge selling point to me, is the continued 7 lbs weight and fantastic HEPA filter. I love the LIFETIME warranty, too. Awesome. And, I love the little brushes on the sides of the deck to get the lint, dust, and kid grunge. The handheld is on my wishlist… LOVE ORECK!!!!
I’d love a chance to win. With 6 kiddos – all home, all day – we are always trying to vacuum up some type of crumbs or dust bunnies. 🙂 I think the favorite feature I have is that you said it is QUIET – necessary with our brood who make their own noise already. 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win.
I like both on Facebook. Thanks!
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I love that it has a HEPA filter and that it’s lightweight!
Looks like a great vacuum cleaner!
I love the idea of two speeds to pick up more dirt 🙂
I think the lifetime warrant is great!
I think it really does give a peace of mind. Especially with all the children learning to use the vacuum and do chores. They aren’t always the gentlest!
I would love to own an Oreck. I have only used on at a friends house and dreamt of owning one! LOL
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I like the HEPA inner bag filter feature.
I went to Facebook & now “like” both Oreck & this site
I would love having a really quiet vacuum. My daughter is still scared of our vacuum, so it limits how often my floors get clean.
What is not to like!! However, I have bad joints (even at my age) and the light weight and the comfort handle sound great. Maybe I would actually clean as often as I should 🙂
i like the hepa filter
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
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Lightweight?! That’ll be great while I do the stairs!
I love how lightweight this would be!
I also “Liked” Oreck on FB
I would love the fact that it is lightweight. We also have a 15 year old Oreck that we absolutely love. We would love to try the new model.
What is there not to like? I also like the shape of the small vacuum. It looks like it would be easy to carry around.
I am so in need of a new vacumn!!! 2 boys, a hubbie, and a shedding dog…Love Oreck’s One pass Cleaning…we have laminate and carpet…this would be AMAZING!
I Like Oreck and Life as a Mom.
It’s light weight and works great for pets! And I have 2 cats! Thanks for the opportunity to win an awesome looking/sounding vacuum!!
The lightweight feature sounds wonderful. Would love to win this…… 🙂
I like both on FB as Anastasia Borisyuk
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The feature I really like is the 3 annual tune ups that come with it and the fact that it’s only 9 lbs, can’t say that for any vacuum I’ve used!
AND I like both Life As Mom (and GCE, for that matter) and Oreck on Facebook!
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The HEPA inner bag and the fact that the airflow speed is 102mph is VERY impressive! We have 4 indoor cats (yes, I know…), so it’s a challenge to find a vaccuum that do the job I need done!
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I like the hepa filter due to my dust allergy
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I love that I can use it on my oriental rug!
I love that it is lightweight and it has a HEPA filter to help with my son’s and husband’s allergies.
I like the limited lifetime warranty, light weight, and powers through dirt! As a daycare mom I would love to have this!
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I am a fan of Oreck and LifeasMOM.
Since everyone in our home has allergies, I really like the hepa inner bag. Thanks for doing this!!
I would like to see how the horsehair edge brushes work. It would be really wonderful to not have to use an attachment to get the carpet close to the baseboards clean. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the edge brushes! I’m always having to do those after I vacuum everything else. This vacuum would be a God send to us, we have 2 very cheap ones and 4 kids and they are barely working right now and can’t be replaced till tax time.
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One pass cleaning, WOO HOO!!!! I would love to own this baby.
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My favorite feature would probably be the extensive warranty. With 3 boys, it seems we’ve been through a lot of vacuums! The HEPA filter and the sealing bag would be wonderful to help with allergies too.
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I think the light weight aspect would be my favorite part – I might actually vac the upstairs as often as I know I should if I don’t have to wait for hubs to lug it up there!
But my kids (and dog…and cat) would probably say the quietness would be their favorite. The animals scurry when they see the vac come out of the closet. And one kid sits on the couch and cries until I’m done (the noise really upsets him). If I could get thru a vac session with zero tears (from him or me!) that would be amazing!!
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I love the suction power! I have 3 dogs and two boys and live in the sticks so we get a lot of dirt.
I like how lightweight it is and looks like it cleans really well. Thanks for the giveaway!
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What’s not to like? But the lightweight ids the selling point for me.
Love that it is lightweight and has a super long cord!!
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I can’t believe how light it is! I would love that compared to the abdominal workout I get with my current vacuum.
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My favorite feature is actually the lightweight part- as I have a very bad back & have a hard time vacuuming- I also love The Saniseal® System for the filter bag- since we have allergies & need all the help we can get! Love this machine!
I like Oreck and Life As Mom on Facebook via The Green House.
I subscribe to your emails via thegreenhouseboutique at gmail dot com.
I love that it’s light weight. It’s perfect for vacuuming the stairs.
I think one of the best features for us is that it is quiet. My husband works third shift, so he is usually sleeping when we would like to vacumn. We end up waiting for him to be awake.
My favorite feature is that it is a full size vac but is lightweight. Nothing worse than pushing around a heavy vac. Please enter me into this fabulous giveaway- Thanks 🙂
I read the desciption and specifications–I like that it is lightweight, you can run it over carpets, bare floors, Persian rugs with ease, a nice long power cord–it sounds perfect for our family of 6!
I like the filter because several of us have seasonal allergies.
I like all the features, but the lightweightness stands out.
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Honestly, being lightweight is the most attractive quality to me! Our current vacuum works well but is ridiculously heavy…which is a big deterrent to vacuuming upstairs.
I “liked” Life as Mom and Oreck on Facebook 🙂
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I love the strong sucking power! We have really old (yucky) carpet in our house and I never feel like its truly clean!
I love so much about this vacuum…the long cord, suction power, warranty….
I have always wanted an oreck.
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I love the inner HEPA filter. Both my son and I have really bad allergies!
Lightweight. Powerful. Hepa Filter. Made in the USA!!
I wonder if *MY* kids would beg to vacuum???
I LIKE “Life As Mom” on FaceBook!
My house would love an Oreck!
Terri G
“LIKE” Oreck on FaceBook!! 🙂
Terri G
Wow…lightweight, great suction power, and I really like the 3 annual tune-ups! I would love to win one of these…. Now I’m in the mood to vacuum!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Terri G
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i am intrigued by the shoulder strap. LOVE the lightweight, the hepa, and the power of the suction…wait, did you say one feature?
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Looks like a great vacuum! What a nice giveaway! I love the thought of a warranty; we’re vacuum cleaner killers.
I love that it is only 7 lbs – my 5 year old could lift it!
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I love the HEPA filter! My son, husband, and myself all have dust allergies so that would be awesome!
I could really use a new sweeper and would love to win this.
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I love how lightweight it is…I was a short term owner of a heavy vaccum and I said, “Never again!”. Also, like the HEPA filter!
I am an email subscriber.(entry#2)
LOVE the light weight of it!
I love that it is lightweight and has a baseboard cleaner.
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I love how lightweight it is! Would be sooo nice!
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I have a 11 year old oreck…4 kids one chocolate lab. It gets its use. I love the new HEPA filter, the new styling and that beautiful lifetime warranty. The new style hand vac looks like fun too.
Thanks for a chance to win. I would love to be able to do the stairs with something so light. The 35′ cord is also a huge bonus.
I subscribe via email, thank you for the contest!
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I really like Oreck’s lifetime guarantee and super great reputation!
I like you both on fb. 🙂
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With two cats and two messy girls we need the lightweight vaccuum with the hepa filter. The filter is important to us as I am allergic to the cats and being lightweight, the girls can actually carry it up to their rooms on their own! No more excuses!
I love that it is lightweight!
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I love that this Oreck is light weight, making it easy to use.
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As well as Oreck on Facebook. I forgot to add that.
I’d love to win this! We go thru vacuum’s like water around here– 2 a year is average. (!!)
We’d given up finding a ‘good one’ b/c they can be so very expensive, and have just kept buying the cheap walmart special, b/c it was cheap in price (and obviously quality!)
We have an asthmatic child and the dust really bothers her– and to have a high quality vac would be great for her (all of us!) the HEPA filter and the claims of how much the ORECK picks up vs. other vacs is what REALLY PIQUES my interest in ORECK’s!
Thanks for the chance to toss our hat in the ring on this great giveaway!!
I like the fact that it captures at least 99.97% of particles at .3 microns from that air, which includes: pollen, house dust, smoke, animal dander and mold spores. Hepa filters are very important to me.
I love the lifetime warranty and that it’s lightweight. (and your review!)
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I like the HEPA bag. I am trying to be more enviornmentally friendly in our house.
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I like that it is powerful yet lightweight.
I already “liked” you on fb, and have subscribed via email. Now I’ve like Oreck!
I love that it is light weight and has a lifetime warranty. I have had bad luck with vacuums and actually use one almost just like this at my place of work. I LOVE it! It leaves the floors actually clean! Imagine that!!! This would be such a blessing to actually win one!
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I have a wood stove in my living room so I have a lot of wood pieces and dust to deal with all winter. This would make clean up so much easier! 🙂 Thank you!
I think that the limited lifetime warranty sounds good to me. I have gone through a vacuum every 3-4 years for the last 12 years. I feel like they are just not built to last any more and it’s very frustrating. They always break right before a big event when you need one the most!
I am a faithful email subscriber. thanks!
I am an email reader subscriber:)
I love that it only weighs 7 pounds?! Hooray for kids who can help 🙂
I love the fact that it has a hepa bag in it! That’s awesome.
I subscribe by email, and I “liked” Oreck & Life as Mom on Facebook.
I love that it’s so lightweight, especially living in a split-level ranch with carpet on two floors!
I am a LAM email subscriber.
I am interested in getting a new vacuum, and I am so over the bagless thing! It is so messy. I like that it has a bag and that it has the HEPA filter. I have only changed my HEPA filter on my vacuum once in 10 years. Hope it still works!
The hepa inner filter, warranty, and 9lbs are the features I like best. I sunscribe by e-mail.”)
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Love the hepa filter to get rid of allergens.
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I like the idea of the lifetime warranty. We seem to go through vacuums like crazy. Probably because we’ve never spent real money on one. This would be such a blessing to our family.
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I would love to have a new light weight vacuum since mine is about 12 years old and weighs a ton.All of the attachments are gone and I like that the Oreck comes with a handheld for corners,furniture and curtains.
I like the HEPA filter!
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Love that its light weight, that it has a bag, and the hepa filter! Would love love love to own one of these. Hey maybe I can get the kids to vacuum!
2nd entry – I already subscribe via email
The long power cord would be great for me. Currently I have to find different outlets within the same room!
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Being lightweight would make it so easy to vacuum my downstairs more often!
and I subscribe to life as mom! love your blog!
wow – quiet AND a hepa filter? sounds fab
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I like Life as Mom and Oreck on facebook.
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I LOVE that its quiet – vacuuming after hours or during nap time wakes my kids… but its impossible to vacuum with them all awake.
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I love that it is lightweight and has a heppa inner bag.
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I love the warranty.
I am subscribed to Life As A Mom through email and I ‘liked’ Oreck on Facebook!
LOVE the Hepa Filter and the handle looks like it would be so comfortable! Quiet and powerful – who could ask for more 🙂
I would be thrilled with a lighter weight vacuum that can pick up pet hair.
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Love that it can go from carpet to tile.
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Although I thought vacuums with bags went out with the ’80s, the Hepa inner bag is interesting–if it traps everything better than most bagless, that’d be worth it!
Just “liked” Oreck on facebook. I already “like” Life as Mom. 🙂
Just subscribed via e-mail. Thanks. 🙂
I love the sound of the powerful suction on the high powered setting. We moved from AL to NY 2 weeks ago and are living in a rental for the time being. The carpet never feels really “clean”. I would LOVE to be able to vacuum with a really good vacuum!!
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(Stephanie Phelps)
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The HEPA inner bag, is important because my son has asthma and everything I can do to help is all the better for him. 🙂
[email protected]
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I already subscribe to your site via email. What I love most about the Oreck is how light weight the vacuum is all the while it has so much suction power.
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I like how it is lightweight and my children can help. I especially like the lifetime guarantee!
We, too, have had an Oreck for years, but it’s showing its wear. We’d love a new one! My favorite thing about it is its light weight, so my kids can use it!
7 pounds? I’m all in!
The HEPA filter did me in as I have a severe dust mite allergy. Also, the lightweight of this vacuum would make it easier to clean the upstairs where the dust mites are the worst.
I subscribe via google reader, and LOVE it!
The cord length, power and weight are the things that are most exciting to me! We have lots of stairs and have tried so many different vacuums, this would be wonderful!
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It’s awesome to have a hepa filter, but I’m all about a quiet vacuum!
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Lighweight+HEPA+quiet+reliable= perfect vacuum!
I love that it’s quiet! I could vacuum DURING naptime 🙂
I like that it has the flexibility to clean both rugs and specialty carpets. I also am glad it comes with HEPA inner bag. Sometimes I worry that our vacuum cleaner stirs up more dust than it gets.
I’m a subscriber who would love to give that vacuum a whirl! Thanks!
I like that both it and the handheld part have HEPA filters.
I must enter this contest because my trusty Oreck just died! We tried to buy another regular vacuum but had to return it to the store. It was so heavy and clunky compared to the gold standard!
My favorite feature of the Oreck is how the dual speed allows it to clean wood floors to rugs equally well.
I also subscribe through Google Reader. Thanks!
The weight of the Oreck is amazing. Nine pounds! Thank you!
HEPA bag… my favorite part by far! My DD has asthma… a HEPA filter is a must!
QUIET..I have 5 children so one appliance that is quiet is sosososo nice
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Light weight, with great suction. Would love to win, thanks for the chance!
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I love the fact that it’s lightweight – we have stairs and I really loathe dragging a heavy vacuum around. Thank you for the giveaway!
I like the “powers through dirt” feature, also lightweight is great!! I would love to vacuum too, with a new one like this! 🙂
Oh and also liked both on FB!
I love that it is lightweight and the lifetime warranty!
`FB fan to both!
Marisa Meme
I like that it’s lightweight for lugging around upstairs
light weight you say? I will love it!
Thank you.
I also follow you on facebook and google reader!
I like everything about it! The lifetime warranty, it goes from carpet to floor easily (we have rugs on wood floors), the hepa filter (we all have allergies), 3 annual tune-ups (you’re supposed to tune up your vac???), it’s lightweight (my kids can use it!), it comes with a handheld vac (no more cheerios in my car seats), the handheld has several attachments (can you say “fun cleaning”), etc.
I follow you on the Google reader too 🙂
I love that it is lightweight as well as the Hepa inner bag!
It’s light weight! & quiet! & it works! Wow
I think the Heppa inner bag and it being very lightweight would be great instead of trying to lug around our heavy one.
I follow you on google reader
I am all about it being lightweight. My current vac is a monster
I’ve used Orecks in a couple of businesses I worked for and I am continuously amazed at how light it is. The power in such a light machine is really wonderful. And quiet sounds pretty good to me (as well as my vacuum sound fearful child and dog).
I liked on fb!!
Lightweight…thats huge, well light!
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I love my oreck but it is older than yours I think, and loud. My baby cries whenever she sees it so the quietness of this one wins!
Love how lightweight it is! And that it actually sucks things up…the one I have has neither of those qualities!
I follow you with Google Reader.
2 of my 3 kids are scared of the vacuum, so the quietness sounds great to me!
I “liked” both Oreck and Life as Mom on Facebook!
I love the HEPA inner bag. I would love to be able to invest in one to help with our family asthma concerns. I’ve heard great things about this model!
I now like lifeasmom and oreck on FB!
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Love that it is only 7 pounds–wow!
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My favorite feature has to be the HEPA inner bag. My 22-month-old had a wheezing attack that landed her in the ER last week (first time this has ever happened), so I am doing everything I can to clean the house and prevent breathing problems for her. An Oreck would make this much easier! My current vacuum spits out a load of dust every time I turn it on. Yuck! Thanks for the opportunity!
I love the fact that it’s so lightweight! My kids and I are always hauling the vacuum up and down the stairs so this would be wonderful! We have been through many vacuums in the last few years so I would love to have one that would last!
with a family full of allergy sufferers… the Hepa filter is a huge plus!
I follow Life as Mom on my Google Reader!
I like the light weight and the life time warranty. My current vac is 14 years old and had most definitely lost its enthusiasm for picking up the basic flotsam and jetsam on my floors!
I love how lightweight it is! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂
I’m a Google reader follower
You had me at 7lbs, but the added handheld is a bonus. I miss my crevice tool & dusting brush & you can’t beat the lifetime warranty. The vacuum-that-shall-not-be-named that I have now broke at 25months; it was a 2yr warranty plus it’s 12lbs (not the 10 advertised) it it doesn’t suck
I also subscribe via google reader.
I love that it is lightweight!!!
So many good things – the HEPA filter, self-propelled-thing, 7 pounds! Sounds great.
We currently don’t have our own vacuum. My Eureka broke and the condo we just moved into came with a vacuum. Not sure what we’ll do when we move out! 😉
I “Liked” Oreck & Life as Mom on Facebook.
I love that it only weighs 7 pounds and the Hepa filter. We have a cat and my boys suffer from allergies so the Hepa filter sounds awesome.
I am an e-mail subscriber.
I like that it has a limited life time warranty, not very many vacuums do.
The one pass cleaning. (And the fact that it sweeps! – our sweeper is losing its gusto)
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I absolutely LOVE that it is only seven pounds! My oldest (almost 5) loves to vacuum, but our vacuum is hard to push around the house. This would be awesome.
“liked” you (which I should have done long ago) and Oreck on FB. Thanks!
I already subscribe to you via email. And, I LOVE this blog. How you have helped me around here with my four, my dear.
Okay. How do I pick “some” feature that I like?!? Um….ALL! Two faves: (1) horsehair bristles that really attack the baseboard (and, I hope, that nasty little trail of dirt that sticks between the molding and the floor itself) and (2) easily glides from hardwood to carpet.
Also, I subscribe to your blog in Google Reader.
I love that it is lightweight and also LOVE the idea of a handheld for use on stairs!
This is a particularly bad year for allergies here so we live with our windows closed. The HEPA filter would be a great asset in our battle against dust, pollen and other allergens. Also, our seventeen year old son carries our vacuum up and down the stairs for me. He’ll be off to college in eleven short months. It would be wonderful to have a powerful, yet light vacuum when I’m doing the hauling!
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i like life as mom and oreck on fb
You had me at HEPA!
Lifetime warranty sounds good to me!
I was admiring this “bad boy” recently while my husband operated on our 10+ year old (refurbished) oreck. Fortunately, what I thought was her final death shriek turned out to be stiff joints (and a misplaced penny!). We have many fond memories together, but I would definitely trade her in on a newer model with 2 speed settings, and working lights;-)
I like the fact that it is only 9lbs and that it has a 35 ft cord.
LOVE the hepa filter – serious allergies here and that is very appealing to me!
I really like that it is only 7 lbs!
I love the 35 ft. cord! I could clean a lot of area without needing to unplug.
I “liked” Life as mom and Orek.. (Name is Johnna) in FB
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I love that this vacuum is so lightweight! My current vacuum is not as fun to “schlep.”
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The Hepa filter is what I would love about this. I would like to win!!
I subscibe via google reader.
I love the word quiet! 🙂 With six littles running around it’ll be nice to vacuum with a quieter and more efficient machine than we have now! Thanks for the opportunity!
I love how light it is! My stairs are carpeted and my current vacuum is extremely heavy. I would love an Oreck!
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This would be perfect since our vacuum is going out on us. I love that it is so lightweight.
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The HEPA feature in addition to being lightweight are my favorite features.
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I like the two-setting shoulder strap – perfect for my stairs!
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light weight, quiet and it works well? sounds too good to be true!
The lightweight 7lbs!!! That would be awesome!!! I can hardly lug mine around, as I have chronic lyme and am sick a lot, having little energy!! Almost sounds too go to be true!!:) Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the 7lbs! About to have to buy new vacuum. Would love to win this one!
And I liked Oreck and Life As Mom on FB.
I like Life As Mom on FB. Thanks!
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I love the HEPA filter feature.
I suscribe in Google reader. Thanks!
Light weight!!!
I follow you in my Google Reader, my source of all things witty and wonderful 🙂
A feature I like about the Oreck? WEIGHT. Or lack thereof. I have a Kirby that weighs more than I do. It still works, so I can’t justify replacing it, but after four spinal surgeries I can’t use it. I have to rely on the hubby and the kids to vacuum, and they aren’t as excited about it as your kids are! On the upside, in the event of a tornado I’m sure I could wrap my body around the Kirby and be perfectly safe and secure.
I subscribe in Google Reader. Thanks!
As someone who has to shuffle back and forth with a stick vacuum, the “one-pass cleaning” sounds really nice!
I love how light it is.
I remember my grandparents having this vacuum when I was little and I loved it! I was so happy to be able to help with chores!
I LOVE that it’s only 8# and that my kids can safely use it!
I also love the HEPA inner bag feature! My family ALL suffers from severe year round allergies! No matter what we do, we are all sniffles, all the time! I would love to see how the ORECK works around here! 😉
I’d love this, please! I love the quite part. Ours is loud, almost ear-damaging loud.
I think I really like all the features of this vacuum. Lightweight, HEPA filter, lifetime warranty…I would love it!
I subscribe via google reader.
The lightweight feature and the fact that it is so quiet are my favorites.
I love that it is light weight. Mine weighs a ton so I avoid cleaning the stairs. I also love the above-floor cleaning abilities. With mine, the few attachments started coming apart within a year…giving me the perfect excuse to avoid the baseboards!
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Liked “Life as Mom” and ORECK on FB!!
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The combination of quiet, excellent suction and light along with the hepa filter are all wonderful to me. Ours is heavy and cumbersome and sucks – but not in a good way. I have hand surgery coming up and a lighter vacuum would be wonderful for the time leading up to it, and when it is my responsibility again after, it would be great to not need “recovery time” after vacuuming!
I’m a rss subscriber.
Lightweight and quiet are two great qualities in a vacuum!
I just “liked” you and Oreck on Facebook!
LOVE the lifetime warranty. 5 years ago we bought one of those expensive “cyclonic” vacuums and it has quickly fallen apart. 🙁
I love that it is only 7 pounds. I have alot of stairs to drag the vacuum up and down. I hate my Bissell it is big and clunky.
I LOVE the Oreck! Mine just died after 9 years and I am missing it like crazy! Superior performance, lightweight, durable, can’t say enought great things about it!
#3 I subscribe via rss feed:)
#2 I “liked” oreck:)
I checked out the oreck vacuum! I would live to win this since I have 2 flights of stairs and the handheld would make things so much easier. I live that it has the hepa filter since I have two young children with allergies.
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I just love how lightweight this vacuum cleaner would be! I don’t currently have stairs in my house, but still feel like I’m constantly lugging the vacuum cleaner from one end of the house to the other!
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I like how it’s supposed to krill smoothly from carpeted to hard floors, because our house has hardwood floors covered with area rugs, so I’m constantly switching from one setting to another on the vac I have. I also like that it’s lightweight!
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Feature- It still has a BAG! I hate my bagless Bissell!
No 2 legged kids but my 4 legged, furry “kids” get the house nice and messy, too. Love that it is quiet and great for people with pets. Also..the warranty is great!
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I like all those accessories it comes with – I really need to get in the corners and crevices, the children get crumbs everywhere!
Telescoping wand??? Wow! Love all the attachments and the HEPA filter == would absolutely freak out to have such an awesome vacuum! 🙂 Also, I subscribe to your email! 🙂
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we are an “allergic” home 🙂 so i like the hepa feature!!
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Considering we average at least 1 vacuum per year, I love the lifetime warranty!
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I’m loving the 35ft cord!
The HEPA bag. whooo hooo!
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I looove that it is lightweight and quiet!!!
The fact that it’s light weight is my favorite feature. I hate carrying a heavy vacuum up and down stairs.
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I love how lighweight the Oreck is! My mom has a Dyson and that thing is a beast!
My favorite feature: it’s QUIET! I could vacuum during naptime and not disturb my babies.
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I now receive your posts in my Reader. Blessings <3
I like the fact that it’s both lightweight and powerful.
I have “like”d you on fb for a while and now “like” Oreck :o)
From your testimony and visiting Oreck’s site, I like that it is lightweight yet powerful enough to pick up sand :o)
I love how lightweight it is and the HEPA bag.
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It all sounds wonderful & I’d love to try an Oreck seeing as we have yet to find a vacuum that won’t break down! With 6 kids & 2 dogs we need a good one! I love the “Limited Lifetime Warranty!”
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I had an Orek for years, I would love another one!
Having a longer cord would be awesome in my house too!
I love fact that this vacuum is 7 lbs. Of course, a lifetime warranty sounds fabulous as well. Thanks for hosting such a fabulous giveaway. Blessings!
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What’s not to love? Lightweight, powerful, quiet, HEPA bag, limited lifetime warranty! I always seem to be hard on vacuums and am never satisfied with how well mine cleans. I would love an Oreck!!!
I think I would love the filter. My husband and son suffer from allergies and I am always looking for ways to reduce them
I love being able to go from carpet to hardwoods without changing anythng.
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Light AND quiet? My kids would love both of those features! The HEPA filter is an added bonus, with all of our allergies.
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I like that it’s lightweight so even the 6yo could use it! It would also be nice to have a good working vac instead of one that is limping along!
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I love that it has a HEPA filter, but the fact that it has good suction is a great seller for me!
I’d have to say the warranty is pretty amazing! 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity!
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Heepa interbag – ya for the kid with allergies – 7 lbs ya for me!
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I like Oreck on Facebook, and been a faithful follower to Life As Mom too!
Also love the inner HEPA bag–and the fact that it is lightweight!
I love that it is lightweight. I have a Kirby that is sooooo very heavy!
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Oreck’s reputation for making superb, long lasting vacuums is undeniable! Lightweight, and a HEPA filter? Yes please!!!
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We vacuum daily and have been through so many vacuums in the last 12 years! We just had another bite the dust. I desperately need a new vacuum and I love that this one has that warranty! Lightweight and those three annual tune ups sound like a dream machine package to me!
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I like the fact that it has a Hepa filter.
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I love the sound of a Hepa Inner bag.
Thanks for doing such an awesome giveaway!!
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I’ve been wanting a lightweight vacuum for my older son, who loves to help sweep! And, I need something for the living room, since I NEVER can be bothered to drag my heavy vacuum downstairs to do that one room (the rest is hardwood)!
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Thanks for doing this !!!
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I have 3 boys and a poodle… I love that one of the featured is that it powers through dirt because the 4 of them are ALWAYS dragging dirt in.
Okay…I can come out of my lurking shell to enter to win this. I have the same old Oreck that you are showing in the photo … really? It’s not meant to last 13 years? Mine’s at least that old.
What do I love about the new one? ALL of it!!
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Hepa and life time warranty!!
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I love that it has a HEPA filter- wonderful for the girlie with asthma! And so light! I’m praying to win this as we are currently using a broom to pre-sweep our floor before vacuuming because our vacuum is so bad!
I need a new vacuum so bad. The one we have right now doesn’t do a very good job at all!
I’m loving the good suction and light-weight features.
Thanks for the giveaway!
With baby #2 on the way I’d love the crevice tool!
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One of my favorite features is not normally the way I describe my favorite things. It sucks. Meaning…it has sucking power… With 4 little kids and living in a dusty, windy state…this is a huge bonus.
The one pass cleaning would have to by my favorite part! Our current vacuum does not do that, I have to stop, change the attachments, then do the hard floors, it wastes so much time. Thanks for the awesome chance to win 🙂
I like the hepa filter. I would love to win a new vacuum!
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I have a severe grass allergy (I know! A mom with an active toddler and I’m allergic to grass :/ ), so a strong vaccuum with a HEPA filter is very important to me. Most allergy sufferers just have to give up carpets altogether, but my husband is really missing carpet. Not to mention the bumps and bruises as my little one learned to walk with no carpet to cushoin his fall. With a strong, reliable vaccuum like this, maybe my husband could get some carpet back 😉
I love that it’s seven pounds. Seven pounds! That’s about a tenth of what my vacuum weighs. Thanks!
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I really, really like to vacuum when I have a good vacuum to use!
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7 lb. I make babies bigger than that
The telescoping extension wand on the handheld vac.
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Orecks are like family heirlooms in my family! Both my mother and grandmother use them religiously, my mother passed her last one on to me when she decided to upgrade to a newer several years ago model. Mine is about the same age as your old one and in about the same condition (excepted it never needed its engine repaired!) It would be fantastic to be able to “upgrade” to one with its full sucking ability! I love the Hepa bags, perfect for my son who was just diagnosed with asthma.
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I love the HEPA inner bag. This is an awsome giveaway!!
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Hi! I am using a shop vac on my carpet. I have a labradoodle…need I say more.
If I weren’t on the total money makeover and currently in the “it sucks but you have to get out of debt” mode, I would grab one of those vacuum cleaners up in a hurry! It looks like a great machine, and I like the fact that it may be the last vacuum cleaner you ever have to buy!!!
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I have an Oreck that is 10 years old and I love it. I would love this one because of the HEPA inner bag. Would be great for the allergies.
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I love that it is light-weight. I have Fibromyalgia and Lupus and all tasks are hard on me. This would help tremendously.
I love that it has ‘edge’ brushes to get around baseboards – awesome! (and a lifetime warranty – VERY AWESOME!)
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I really like the smaller vacuum that comes with it! THAT is something we’re missing. 🙂
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I would love the light weight. The vacuums I have had have been amazingly heavy!
I like that it is light weight and super powerful at the same time!
The fact that it’s lightweight! My current vacuum is H E A V Y and with a two-story house I avoid vacuuming whichever floor the vacuum isn’t on because carrying it up and down the stairs is awful!
The comfort fit handle, great for painful hands.
I love the suction… When using a vacuum it usually comes down to that 🙂 I’d love a chance to win… Thanks
Lightweight and a lifetime warranty? Excellent! I have four guys that already make plenty of noise. Add that to our new home full of carpet and an Oreck would be great
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I like the Hepa filter.
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I love the inner HEPA bag. I have horrible allergies to our dog and cats and this would help keep them in check!!
7 lbs. Hello!!!!
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I love the length of the cord! It would also be nice to have a quieter vacuum.
I mainly like this vacuum because of your positive review… but my favorite feature is the lifetime warranty! 🙂 thanks for sharing
I love the shoulder strap! I also love the idea of a “quiet” vacuum. It would be nice to hear the phone ring above the vacuum!
Aside from the HEPA, long cord & warranty mentioned by so many other (all awesome!) I really like that it comes with the little vac with a shoulder strap to do along walls, ceilings, & stairs. The lack of a wand is one of the main things that’s always kept me from purchasing an Oreck in the past. Great giveaway!
Oh, I would love to win this. I love the idea of a twenty foot cord!
I love the HEPA bag and the warranty. That’s awesome!
Light weight and HEPA filter are my favorite features.
Three annual tuneups? Really? That’s phenomenal! I’d love to win one.
I love how lightweight it is!
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I love that it only weighs 7 pounds! Mine is sooo heavy!
I like the hepa filter and of course, the lifetime warrenty.
I like the HEPA inner bag and I’d love to win a new Oreck!
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I like the warrenty
I like that it’s lightweight.
I am now a follower of Oreck and LifeasMom on FB, thanks again!! 🙂
I have been a long-time follower through Blogger!
I love that it weighs only 7 pounds. I am currently borrowing my parents old Kenmore. It is no fun to carry it up and down the stairs!
I looked at the specs, but I didn’t even need to because you had me at “lifetime guarantee”!!!!! Thank you! 🙂
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I like the hand-held vac & the lifetime warranty. The fact that it is light-weight is a huge bonus, too.
Light weight!
I am already subscribed to your emails. Thanks for the giveaway.
I like Orek and Life as Mom on Facebook.
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I like the weight of the vacuum. It would be nice to have a lightweight vacuum that’s powerful to be able to carry it up and down our stairs.
With a lot of stairs in our home, my favorite feature is most definitely that it is lightweight yet powerful!
I love that it is lightweight. I hate lugging a heavy vacuum up and down the stairs.
Amazingly quiet, I like the sound of that! Our family of 5 can be so loud, running our normal vacuum could make a mom crazy.
p.s. I loved funny boy’s contribution to the room cleaning video.
Lightweight and quiet AND has good suction – sounds awesome!
Hello- 7 pounds? That’s what I like. So my kids won’t complain so much when they use it! But also- lifetime warranty. I love that. Thanks for the giveaway!
Lightweeeeeeeeight vacuum that works really well? Yes, please!
I love that it has a HEPA inner bag – awesome giveaway!
The hepa inner bag sounds wonderful! I would love to win one of these!