Sometimes You Just Need to Exert Yourself

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Motherhood is not easy, though it is good. Sometimes you need to exert yourself.

lego hot dog man

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One of things I love about Jane Austen books is that she uses words that we don’t use any more but that hold such great meaning. Like exert.

I’m not sure that anyone who’s not a Janeite uses the word in the manner she means. Most people probably think about it nowadays in terms of physical strength. But, it is such a good word to use for our moods and motivations.

Sometimes you just need to exert yourself.

Sometimes you need to make an effort. Even if you don’t want to. Even when you’d rather mope, whine, cry, or rant. Even when the kids are totally not jiving with your plan.

This is pretty important as a woman and as a mom.

You need to exert yourself even when you don’t always wanna.

super girl

I posted this on Instagram late last week.

It has been a rough morning. Forget toddlers, teens and tweens may be my biggest challenge yet. They have only “good problems” but man, I’m being stretched. My responses, in some ways, matter more now since they’ll notice if I swear in the frustration of it.
I pulled myself out of the public space, sent an email to my husband, took a shower, and am now putting on my Super Girl in the hopes that the day will go better. The battle to do good never ends, Mamas. But it’s still a good fight to fight. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

Please know that you are not alone. The rest of us struggle sometimes, too. We want to scream or cuss.

We have to exert ourselves, too, sometimes.

The life as MOM is not without its challenges, but I believe its worth the effort, whether it be physical or emotional.

Have a great week!


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  1. This was perfect timing! I’m sitting here rocking a newborn with 4 hours of sleep, and find myself saying (for the tenth time!) “No, We don’t hit Mommy in the head with trucks. That’s not nice and it hurts Momma.” to my truck brandishing toddler while I count down the minutes to nap time (64 minutes and counting). Thanks!

  2. sorry, little edit — what i really want to do is yell and scream. not quite sure how that one came out.

  3. dang, i need one of those shirts — although i have been known to throw on a tiara at times. it reminds me to be graceful even when what i really want to use yell and scream. oh, and on the toddler thing, i’m with you. i’ll take them anytime over big kids — SHEESH (not that my big kids are fabulous, most of the time).

  4. Yes, we need to exert ourselves, be aware, be there. It’s easier with good problems, but you get a whole lot more perspective on the good problems if you have faced bad ones. In the final analysis it’s all about loving our kids in ways they can understand and loving and honoring the God who gave them to us for a few short years.

    So hang in there, dear friend! And thanks for the encouragement.

  5. Oh, Lord – did this post come at Exactly the right minute! Thanks for the encouragement this morning!