Janel Piersma

Travel with Kids Series | Tips for Flying with Kids | Life as MOM

Tips for Flying with Kids

Air travel with children can be stressful. Life as MOM contributor Janel has a few tips that can help you make the journey just a bit easier. In my nine years of motherhood, I’ve made several flights with my kids both nationally and internationally. Sometimes my husband has been along for the ride but for…

DIY Dress-Up Skirts

DIY Dress-Up Skirts

Learn how to make a simple dress-up skirt from Life as MOM contributor Janel. This is a great way to make a piece of costume when you can’t find just what you need. All photos: Janel A few years ago, my sister Jamie lent me her sewing machine for a project that I was working…

DIY Fairy Wings

DIY Fairy Wings

Let your child’s imagination take flight with these simple DIY Fairy Wings from Life as MOM contributor Janel. photo: Janel Piersma Our family has been in transition for the last couple of months. We moved out of our rental home in Virginia, stayed with some friends for a few weeks, and are now living a…