Finding Your Groove in Home Management

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Don’t think that you need to run your home the same way someone else does. Finding your groove in home management is an art and science, and one that it’s in your best interests to cultivate.

A cup of tea on a counter by a bottle of honey.

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So many times moms read or hear about another mother who seemingly “has it all together.” Maybe her house is spotless, or she has her budget in perfect, balanced order, or she makes homemade bread from scratch every morning.

Our tendency is to find out exactly what she does and mimic it so that we, too, can be successful.

While we can get some great ideas from one another on how to do things, the pitfall is to sacrifice our own personalities in exchange for someone else’s habits and preferences. Let’s not compare! Let’s not think that one is necessarily better than another!

It is true that there are areas that each of us is weak in. I wish my house were spotless, that there was lots of elbow room in the budget, and that I had energy to bake once a week, let alone every day.

There is room for improvement in every home. In no way am I saying, “Let the chips fall where they may. I don’t need to try.”

You do need to try to manage your home effectively. But, do it in a way that fits who God has made you to be. Let’s learn from one another instead of feeling pressure to conform.

The French have a saying, d’etre bien dans sa peau. Literally, it means “to feel right in one’s skin.” If you’re trying so hard to be like someone else, to run your home like someone else does, it probably won’t feel right. You may be able to keep it up for awhile. But, it will wear you out!

Finding Your Groove in Home Management | Life as Mom

Finding your groove in Home Management

Instead, find your groove. Find what works for you and your family’s needs. If planning meals for a whole month at a time is your style, go for it. If once a week works better, then do that. Laundry every day? Laundry 3 times a week? Take the kids to the library for story time? Read story books at home? Make your own playdough? Buy it in the little tubs? You get to choose!

The point is to apply good principles to the management of your home, such as keep everyone clean, clothed, and well fed, but do it in a way that suits the personalities that God has blessed you with: yours, your husband’s, and your kids’.

Consider your strengths and weaknesses . Where are you strong? What contributes to the success of that area? What might need some improvement? Choose one area for improvement to talk and pray about during the next month. Brainstorm solutions and make a list. Try different things out until you find the right situation for your family.

Potential home management areas to examine

Have you had success finding your groove?

Please share your ideas in the comments section. We can all learn from one another’s strengths and weaknesses.

Originally posted May 10, 2008. Updated January 8, 2018.

Finding Your Groove in Home Management | Life as Mom

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  1. Thanks for coming, Janell. I’m so glad that it is helpful to you!

  2. I am thrilled to have found this blog as it has been both encouraging and challenging to me. You have a great ministry to moms going on here! Thank you!

  3. Welcome, ladies!

    Norma, no apologies for “only” having three! Three is still a handful, a blessed handful, but enough to keep you busy. I hope that every mom, whether her work is mainly at home or not will feel encouraged here. No comparing, right?

    Yes, Jen, Grocery Geek will be here. My other blog will revert back to its original intent: showing the grammas pics of the kids.

    Shari, love ya, babe.

  4. Very freeing and very true….thanks for the great reminder not to compare–can be such a weakness for me at times!

  5. Just curious if this is where you are going to start putting your grocery geek posts? I hope so, I love them!!

  6. So far I like what I am reading. I only have three and I work part time because Dad is retired and is with the girlies when I am not. Good job!!!