Quiet Time
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Quiet time each morning, time that is quiet, helps center me for the day, and feel like I can take on the challenges ahead. It’s an important part of my morning routine.
This is a great thing to add to your time budget!

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I’ve always had a slight aversion to noise. As a high school teacher, mine was one of the quieter classrooms. I required that my students keep the noise level to a dull roar. I just couldn’t think straight otherwise. A 23-year old teacher amid kids the same age my siblings, I needed to think straight.
Once I became a mom, I was about the same. Oh, sure, our kids are loud and rambunctious, but early on, I made it a habit for them — and me — that loud and rambunctious happens outside. I think our house is probably “quieter” than most, though certainly not silent. I think we all prefer it this way. Our personalities just gel this way.
Quiet is my happy place.
Over the years I’ve learned that I function better when I have a clear head and a chance to focus for the day. This is my “quiet” time. I read my Bible, journal, pray, and otherwise try to clear my head of the things that are bothering me. It’s time by myself.
Amen. Hallelujah.
This alone time is quiet but not always silent. I gotta get up at four if I want silent!
No, there’s business going on in our house. Someone’s bustling about the kitchen below me, putting away dishes or making tea. The girls are building a train track on the tile in the foyer. There’s chatter about.
But, for me, hidden away in my room or my office, even for a short time, it’s a chance to quiet my mind and my heart, to lay it bare for God, to troubleshoot my life with Him, to problem solve, to remember what’s most important.
This is one thing that has sustained me for 18 years of motherhood. It hasn’t always been easy to make this time. It hasn’t always been as super spiritual as it sounds. I’m easily distracted and my FaceTime with God has reverted to making a grocery list at times. But it’s been one of those habits that’s helped me.
There’ve been seasons when I didn’t want to do it, when it was easier to try things on my own steam instead of looking to God for guidance. It’s often been interrupted by children who need me, by late night waking that prompts me to oversleep and miss that window of relative inactivity.
But, it’s so good for me. Those moments to center myself and be honest with God. It’s proven to be beneficial to me. Though it is hard to make it a priority, it’s totally worth it.
Is quiet time part of your every day? Does it seem impossible? Or is it hard to live without? Let us know:
What role does quiet time play in YOUR morning routine?
Recently on Periscope, I shared several strategies for making morning routines more routine. You can find the show notes and catch the replays here. The button below will light up when there’s a live broadcast. 😉
With a two and a half year old and an 8 month old (who isn’t yet able to let me – a nursing mama – sleep through the night yet), my quiet time comes during my baby’s 3am feeding. If I’m able to stay awake, that is. Most days I run on empty and I pray (beg) for strength until I’m in a season where I can carve out the quiet time I need.
I could not find the right spot. I saw your scope today. saving just the top two colking magazines that brought you the most joy can preserve the memory while lowering the clutter. Then in 6 more months, you may find that you don’t med the top two anymore.
Great suggestion. Thanks!
(There isn’t really “a spot” to comment on periscopes, but if you need links or want replays, they are here: http://fishmama.com/scope Thanks for watching!)
In the morning, I need to spend time with and talk to God before I do that with anybody else. Quiet time with God in the morning is what helps me through the day. Life is unpredictable filled with both surprises and shocks and sometimes also so monotonous and predictable and filled with boredom. To be emotionally stable, I think this quiet time is absolutely essential for all of us.
That quiet time is important to me, too. When my kids were little, it seemed like they had a sensor that would wake them up if I was out of bed no matter what time it was. It was nice one we got past that point, and I could have some time before they got up. Now that they are a bit older (youngest is about to turn 10), I can more easily carve out the time/space. Everyone tends to be fairly quiet in the mornings, doing their own thing. I like to start the mornings out slowly. 🙂
I always feel like the start of my day is overloaded with activity. I’m a morning person by nature, so as soon as I wake up, my brain is moving about a million different directions. I write the best when the sun is rising, and if I can get in a workout before I have to get the kids out the door, my day is better. Yet, when I start the whole of it with time in the Bible, my heart finds the rest that it needs that I cannot supply on my strength. I have to fight my busy nature to set aside this time, but when I go too long without it, I’m less patient, more angry, more frustrated Mom and wife. I’ve heard John MacArthur say something along the lines that all of our hope, all of our joy, all of our inheritance as believers can be found in the Bible, and the only way for us to be utterly convinced of that and to be comforted and strengthened by it is for us to spend time in study and prayer. I can’t disagree. My best strategy to fighting my own nature is to put my Bible on top of my computer. Then I at least have more of a chance of starting my day the best possible way.
I love quiet best as well! It feels as though I’m constantly reminding my daughter to turn down the volume on the TV or to lower her volume level 🙂
Morning quiet time is my favorite though I have struggled to make it a more meaningful time. Mostly I spend it reading (for pleasure). Certainly not a bad thing to do, but I feel as though I could make more use of the time if I spent a little of it writing, thinking, planning or studying to bible. Something to work on this year…
I moved out of my parents home when I was 20. I didn’t get married until I was 39. After living alone for 19 years, I place little value on quiet. I love my home best when it is full of kids laughing, playing, talking and listening to their music. I do get two times a day of quiet — driving to and from work. My commute is on a highway with relatively little traffic, so unlike many, my commute is not a stressful time, but instead is relaxing. My prayer time is right before bedtime. I find that really helps me unwind, relax, and prepare for a good nights sleep.