Say 6 Encouraging Words Before Breakfast
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Start the day on the right foot; say 6 encouraging words before breakfast to help your family know they are known and they are loved.

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My sister brought the kids a copy of Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland awhile back. They probably watched it ten times in the first few months. It’s a favorite flick, indeed.
I must say, I was very pleasantly surprised. I didn’t expect it to be good, but I really enjoyed it. Hubs did, too. It ranks as one of those Weird, but Good Movies for Families.
One of my favorite parts in the movie is when Alice quotes her father in saying that he thought up six impossible things before breakfast. This gives her courage to be bold and daring, to use her imagination and to dream a big dream.
As I contemplate ways I need to bust out of my same-old, same-old, I’m convicted to be more encouraging to my children.
The thought came to me to say six encouraging words before breakfast. While the number or the time of day is irrelevant, I think the intention and goal is super important.
Say 6 Encouraging Words Before Breakfast
Consider these ways to encourage the people you love:
1. What did your kid do right this morning?
2. What do you enjoy about your child’s personality?
3. What’s a strength that your kid needs to be reminded that he has?
4. What Scripture helps you? Share how it encourages you.
5. If your child is struggling with something, share how you have overcome a similar struggle.
6. Remind them that you love them.
Are ya with me?
Have you shared any encouraging words yet today? How do YOU encourage your kids and spouse?
Originally published July 24, 2012. Updated July 1, 2016.
Thanks for this. It’s easy to get caught up in the morning rush and forget to send our kids out the door with a positive message and a reminder that they are loved. I will definitely try to do this more.
I’m a big believer in being “positive” in the morning with my son. I firmly believe that it affects his school. If we start upbeat, then the rest of his day will be upbeat. I start off by waking up my 11 year old with a kiss and a back scratch (weird, but a favorite with an 11 year old), we talk about who’s going to make breakfast this morning (him or me, he’s actually a great breakfast cook). I always wish him a great day and give him a kiss before I drop him off at school. And yes, my 11 year old still allows kisses in public.
I’m totally with you! I needed this challenge.
I am so with you. This post was a great reminder for me. My son is 9 and I get so busy between working full-time and keeping him fed and driven to baseball and guitar lessons and school and so forth and so on that I forget I should be a source of light as well…I do make him laugh regularly, does that count?
Yes, that does count. 😉
I love this idea. I think it is so easy to get caught up in the busy monster that is so often our day and forget to encourage and uplift those that we love.
I’ll have to check out this movie.
I think I’m partial to the 6 Impossible Things Before Breakfast – just because it’s such a great way to wake your mind up!
But I love the idea of focusing on the positive early. Just this morning I posted this article from my teenage daughter about having a positive attitude. In it she outlines some of the activities we try to do early in the day to make sure it rolls right:
Good idea. I love easy, intentional ways to make a difference.
I’m the only one up so far, so the only one I can encourage is me! LOL And perhaps that is necessary sometimes.
I have wanted to say, though, that you are an encouragement to me.
May God bless you!
Thank you!