Booking It with the Wingfeather Saga

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Reading aloud with your children can be a wonderful experience in exploring the world together. The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson is a great adventure.

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This year we’re Booking It on LifeasMOM. It’s an online book club designed to get you off the computer, phone, and boob tube and into a book. Reading is an adventure! You learned this long ago. But, in our older years, it is tempting to forget.

On the 10th of each month, we’re discussing an assigned book, one of the Eleven List. On the 11th there’s a link up opportunity to share all your reading of the past month.

This month’s “assigned” reading was The Monster in the Hollows by Andrew Peterson.

Family read alouds have played a special role in our home’s culture. Since FishBoy14 was about three years old, we’ve tried to keep a book going most of the time. I’ll admit that now that I have four independent readers, it’s a little harder to keep a read aloud going. The boys (14, 11, 9, & 7) all have their own books going, and the girls (3 and 5) aren’t quite up to speed in terms of attention spans.

The value of group read alouds is well worth the effort, and some book are even more fun when spoken.

The Wingfeather Saga is just that. So much fun when shared! Singer and songwriter, Andrew Peterson, has crafted a 4-part story about the Wingfeathers, children of the High King of Anniera, on a quest to fight the evil Gnag the Nameless and reclaim their historic throne.

The one-line jokes, funny names, and inspiring adventure have been a wonderful trip to take with my children!

Our whole family, at least those over 6, have read through the first three books, On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, North! Or Be Eaten, and The Monster in the Hollows — and loved them. We can’t wait for the final installation, The Warden and the Wolf King in spring of 2013, but hopefully sooner.

According to FishBoy9, “The best part of The Monster in the Hollows was the crazy librarian constantly scaring Oskar N Reteep in the village library.” However, I loved the hidden message : we may fail to live to our inheritance as children of the King. But, we need to remember who we are — and act like it.

If you haven’t read The Wingfeather Saga, you should. Our family gives it two thumbs up. If you have, let’s chat!

What did YOU think of The Monster in the Hollows?

(Come back tomorrow for the lowdown on Booking It 2012. I’ll have some books to add to your Christmas wish list as well as news on some changes to this online book club.)

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    1. May the recording and touring seasons provide you with miraculous pockets of time to churn out #4! 😉

  1. Sooo glad to hear of good reads for our family!! Can’t wait to read the Wingfeather Saga… Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  2. We LOVED the Wingfeather Saga, and these books make great read-alouds because of all the action and potential for character voices. Not to mention the deeper themes of spiritual transformation and identity (“Remember who you are.”) that are woven into it.
    Thanks for writing about these!

  3. I’ve always loved Andrew Peterson the songwriter and I was thrilled to know he wrote books as well. This one is my favorite in the series thus far. I don’t even have children of an age to enjoy it yet, it was fun just for me. 😉

    1. A good “children’s” book is worth reading when you’re adult, too. (loose paraphrase of CS Lewis) 🙂