Debt-Free Living

Money Management Tips

Money Management Tips

Money management is necessary if we’re to live within our means, keep stress at bay, and achieve financial goals. Here are some tips to help you get your budgeting and financials a little more in order. Lego Money Holder Money, if left to manage itself, will fly right out the window, leaving you stressed and…

We’re Really Debt Free!

We’re Really Debt Free!

Paying off your debts is hard, but it’s good. Get the monkey off your back. Money is complicated, isn’t it? It can provide for lots of good things, but it can also cause a lot of headaches and disappointments. When you make mistakes with money, they can haunt you for years. We know that first…

How to Pay Off Debts

How to Pay Off Debts

Ready to pay off those debts? Well, you might have to bulldog it. photo source: Sabianmaggy, used by license We’ve been talking these last few weeks about getting our finances in better order. Some people naturally know how to do this. Others of us need to learn, sometimes the hard way. Ahem. We dug ourselves a big…