Household Chores: Organized
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Household chores are a part of life for most of the world. How can you organize yours so that they are simple, easy, and not so much drudgery?
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Work is a necessary part of life. It’s kind of God’s design. So, I don’t really believe that we can or should escape all work. I do think that we can make work easier and more enjoyable.
You know, whistle while you work, hum a merry tune, and all that. It’s in our best interests (since work is unavoidable) to make household chores feel less like drudgery.
Organizing your household chores is one key way to do that. If you’re clear on what to do and when to do it, you won’t feel scattered and distracted. Plus, you can enlist some help!
By organizing, prioritizing, and delegating chores we can make work more productive and more enjoyable. These can easily be added to your time budget when you make the effort.
Household Chores: Organized
Consider these strategies for accomplishing your household chores without too much pain.
What household chores need to be done?
It seems like household chores are endless, right? But, if you really consider things, you can break them down by physical zones or by frequency of needing to be clean.
Check out this list of weekly household chores to see if your household has the same needs for household chores. If so, just print it out and get going. If not, use it as a springboard to see what needs to be done.
Consider placing reminders on your physical calendar or programming them into your phone so that you remember when to do what. You can also lean on an app like Motivated Moms to assign you jobs for every day.
Which household chores are most important?
While it’s important to tackle the closets and the hidden clutter, for most days I focus on the household chores that involve food and clothing. Those are my family’s biggest needs so those are the ones that need my attention first:
- Laundry
- Meal planning
- Weekly meal prep
- Kitchen chores
I also like to avoid making messes in the first place if I can help it. After that, I focus on main living areas and the bathrooms.
Which household chores can you delegate?
Best thing I ever did was teach my kids how to clean, do laundry, and pitch in around the house. I still totally have to tell them to do it, but they basically can do it once I set their little gears in motion.
These strategies help our family of 8 stay out from under big piles of dishes and laundry:
- Kitchen Chores for Kids
- Chores & Kids: What Can You Ask of Them?
- Kids Can Do Laundry
- 6 Ways to Get Help with the Housework
- Kids Can Clean Bathrooms (Be sure to grab the Clean Bathroom Bingo cards!)
Sometimes it doesn’t work to get husband and kids on board. There was a season when my husband was simply too busy at work and my kids were too little to help. We were able to hire a teenage girl to come mop my floors and clean my bathrooms once a week. It was the best money I ever spent.
Organizing your household chores can help you be more productive and get more help. Having a clean home will help you feel more at peace and enjoy your life a little bit more.
How do YOU handle household chores?
Check out this month’s series: Organization for Normal People.
I have a shedule for each of my two girls. They know what to do and the chores have been accepted as fair. We still have a lot of clutter and I am looking for a better way to get rid of it without having to be the bossy one.
Once the kids get in the habit, it can be really easy. We had a chart on the refrigerator for after dinner jobs, but somehow no one could remember. Once we set some incentive/consequences in place, their memory improved by leaps and bounds. 🙂
I tend to focus more on keeping everyone fed & clothed, too. I’ve realized with school we are going to spread out, and that’s OK. I try to have pick up at break times (morning- 30 min break, lunch- 1hr break, and at the end of the afternoon.) That does help, but it’s never 100%.
If I only have a limited amount of time for cleaning, decluttering, my spots to hit are the kitchen & my bedroom. The kitchen because I need space to cook & can’t stand to work around a mess. My bedroom because I can close the door at the end of the day and not see the rest of the house. If my bedroom is messy, I can’t relax at night.
now my kids can’t say, “what are we to do?” LOL this spells it out right in front of them…. yea